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Business Grant Funds Available

Text on blackboard with money - Funding

Businesses in Washington County that are facing financial difficulties
due to the COVID-19 pandemic are eligible to receive financial assistance
through Community Development Block Grant Funds (CDBG-CV)
Eligibility: Any for profit business in existence as of March 1, 2020 that is retaining jobs and
benefiting 51% or more low to moderate income families and not owned by an elected official of this
Use of grant funds: Operational relief, including payroll, utilities (City or County billed/owned utilities
are not eligible), rent, inventory (limited to 60 days), and other monthly expenditures. Cost cannot be
incurred prior to 03/1/2020. Cannot be used to pay off loans.
-1-5 Employees: Up to $25,000 per Full Time Equivalent (FTE) jobs retained based on need for
businesses with a maximum funding of $30,000.00 per company.
-6-50 Employees: Up to $35,000 per FTE jobs retained based on the need of a business with a
maximum funding of $50,000.00 per company.
Additional Information:
-If awarded, the business will be required to supply invoices, receipts and proof of payment for funds
seeking to be reimbursed. Please note the invoices must be dated 3-1-2020 or later including check
number and paid date written on each invoice.
-Businesses cannot have outstanding Kansas Department of Revenue or IRS tax obligations.

For more information contact WCEP or the North Central Regional Planning Commission
WCEP- John Bruna- washingtoncoep@gmail.com (785) 747-8304
NCRPC- Brianne Beck, communitydevelopmentrep@ncrpc.org (785)738-2218
The application can be found at https://wacoeco.org

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